The Q-Net or Quantum Net is a data network consisting of several trillion servers, personal computers, hand held devices, mind-links, and dumb terminals joined by a series quantum-entangled routers and electromagnetic relays. It is capable of superluminal, transtemporal, and transdimensional communication, and is perfectly secure in transmittal of information (excepting end-point hijacking and user incompetence).
While it is primarily used to share pornography and copyrighted entertainment materials, it has some value as a reference guide. Q-Net users can expand on its store of information by submitting articles to the Reference Guide server, where they will remain unedited, unmoderated, unbalanced, and generally inaccurate.
Q-Net is also often used for transfer of money, goods, and services. The Banking Unification Network was one of the first companies to tap into the power Q-Net (after the initial bubble burst, of course), and is now the standard banking system of the entire galaxy.
The problem of shipping goods across time, space, and dimensions has been tentatively resolved by the invention of matter replication devices. Simple goods may be purchased as replication patterns and generated by a replicator, however replication is a new technology at the furthest reaches of occupied time and is in dire need of refinement. The current most popular store on Q-Net is Q-Mart, partly because of the brutal annihilation of their primary competitors, E-Dock, but mostly because of their outrageously low prices.
Interested in joining the Q-Net? Q-Mart is now offering a special on second generation I-Browse, only $399.95! Act now and receive free installation of the brain-link of your choice. Several styles to choose from! (Cost of brain-link not included. Offer available only in sectors within Platinum Medical Services insurance network.)
Alcohol is an organic compound formed by the fermentation of sugars which has an intoxicating effect on most life forms. Its numbing effects allow the drinker to sustain increased levels of physical abuse and social embarrassment. However, it also impedes reactions both physical and mental, and impairs rational thought. It is an addicting substance that can have long term health effects, but many feel the short term bonuses and pleasure are worth it.
1 drink (shot/beer/glass of wine) grants the imbiber a temporary +1 HP, +1 to Str and Cha bonuses, and -1 to Int, Wis, and Dex bonuses for 1 hour.
Binge Drinking: A fortitude check must be made for each drink exceeding 1 per hour at DC 10 + 1 per drink over two, and +2 for each hour of binge drinking. Failure results in vomiting, critical failure may end in unconsciousness or even alcohol poisoning.
Heavy drinkers must double the rate of intake for equal effect, and are compelled to be under the influence at least half waking hours. Alcoholics must triple their intake and are compelled to be under the influence for the entire day.
There are many problems that arise when trying to exchange currency across timescapes, partly due to inflation, but mostly due to the confusion it causes. Paper money is worthless to a Roman merchant. A five dollar bill with Abraham Lincoln is blasphemous to residents of Earth 412-33.1 wherein the "Liberator of Slaves" did so by rendering them into gunpowder. Further complications arise in many sectors post greenhouse collapse, where carbon and energy credits are used and all currency exchange is handled by electronic banking.
The solution to these problems has been tenuously solved by the Banking Unification Network Services. The Automated Residual Savings Exchange machine in the galley will accept any form of currency, apply it to your personal savings account, and allow you to withdrawl from your account in any form you may need for a mission. Please note that as with all bureaucratic operating systems, the ARSE tends to make a mess of things now and then, so please double check to make sure the currency you receive is correct for the sector you intend to visit.
We would like to remind our associates visiting sectors using biometric banking to please refrain from removing fingers or eyes from fallen foes, as they tend to gum-up the ARSE, and high inflation rates in those eras do not often offset the cost of replacement parts.
Provided is a quick reference for exchange rates for currencies our Operatives have encountered. Exchange rates are listed at the BUNS' current listing for Q-Net credits ($).
United States, 2008 CE, Sector E517-11.3
Dollar - A paper note which, by strange coincidence, is currently valued at exactly $1
Cent - Coins of various alloys and denominations valued at $0.01.
United States, 2098 CE, Sector E632-42.1
Energy Credits (EC) - An electronic currency used in the later half of the 21st century after the great Energy Crisis of 2012. One energy credit is essentially a daily allowance for basic food and shelter. Its value varies greatly compared to resource based currencies such as gold, In the 2090s and early 2100s it is roughly valued at 13 EC per $1.
The Winterlands, ~1000 CE, Sector E447-66.8
Gar - A gold coin valued at roughly $200
Sil - A silver coin valued at roughly $20
Krum - A steel coin valued at approximately $2
Name: Thunderhorse
Occupation: Horseman
Origin: The Winterlands
Era: 31st Year of Nathan II, ~1068 CE
Sector: E447-66.8
A large man of Goeth heritage, Thunderhorse is skilled in the arts of drinking and swinging an axe. He is dark haired, brown eyed, about 6'2 and 190 lbs, much of which is beer-gut. He has an uncanny ability with his horse, Lightning. The two of them grew up together in the small fishing village of Hilton. The woman who would be his wife, Jazelle (an outstanding cook and deadly with a skillet), was kidnapped, raped, and executed by the lord Nathan the Pickled. Thunderhorse's driving force in life is vengence against Nathan and the ruling class of the Tower of Venis.
Level 3 XP: 4907 Next: 6000 Skill: 0
Str: 17 (+3) Hp: 22/26
Dex: 13 (+1) Chi: 3/3
Con: 15 (+2) Ref: 1(2) Fort: 1(3) Will: 0(0)
Int: 07 (-2) Atk: 4 Melee: 7 Ranged: 5
Wis: 11 (+0) Def: 12 Dodge: +1 Armor: +3 (+4/+6 vs. Particles), Helmet+1
Cha: 10 (+0) Init: 0 (+1/+0) Move: 5
Hand-to-Hand (1d6 NL)
Axes, Battleaxes
Light Armor
Horse Riding 8 (+9)
Firearms, Advanced Firearms
Burst Fire (-4 attack, double damage)
Combat Reflexes (2 attacks of opportunity)
Wisdom Focus
Lighting - Deceased
Medium War Horse
HP: 24 Chi: 1
Atk: +2 Def: 13
Dmg: 2x 1d6 hooves
Movement: 15
Operative Profiles
12/10/2007 07:44:00 PM
Operative Etiquette
The Model Operative
The Model Operative first posts his name in bold. He then describes his actions in third person using plain text and avoiding errors inspelling and grammar. The Model Operative does not use internet acronyms or AOL Speak. The Model Operative then posts his game actions and any modifiers he believes is applicable in bold, followed by any meta comments or questions regarding rules and procedures in italics.
"Golly, posting sure is fun!" exclaims the Model Operative. "I wonder if I'm allowed to swear?"
Fuck, yeah, Model Operative. Let it loose, but stay in character.
"Sweet! I'm gonna go shave my balls and show them to my sister!"
That's great, Model Operative! But remember: don't sass the DM or he'll open a time rift to the big bang on your eyelids! Above all, have fun!
Create Writing: Blog (+3)
This system of posting will work well to keep the game organized and make it readable for our guests.
Chi Powers
Powers allow the user to focus Chi and use it to affect themselves and the world around them. Chi represents spiritual energy or magical power. Chi Powers can affect the body, mind, and flow of energy around the user. Some Powers can be individually leveled to improve their effects by adding Skill points. Any lesser level of the Power may still be used.
Powers may also be researched, studied or purchased. A fair price for purchasing powers is $1000 per power level and takes a week of training with a master per power level. Studying a book or other media for new powers takes two weeks per power level, and researching new powers on your own takes a month per power level. Again, studying and researching have a challenge rating appropriate to the power being learned.
The following is a short list of powers. Players are encouraged to create their own powers and methods of using them, as long as the Chi costs and effects are reasonable.
Level (L): Refers to the Power's Level, which is increased with Skills
Effect (E): The actual effect of the power
Range (R): The target or distance of the effect
Duration (D): The length of time the effect lasts (Instant, Action (or 1 Roll), Round, Turn, Hours, Days)
Preparation Time (T): The amount of time needed to prepare the effects. If labeled “Meditation” it requires the caster to be in a meditative (and vulnerable) state for the duration of the effect.
Cost (C): Base cost, can be per effect, level, duration, or range
Saves(S): The save allowed and if it negates or deals half damage.
Strength Focus – Boost your strength bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Str Bonus / Level, R: Self, D: Action, T: Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Dexterity Focus – Boost your Dexterity bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Dex Bonus / Level, R: Self, D:Action, T:Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Constitution Focus – Boost your Constitution bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Con Bonus / Level, R: Self, D:Action, T:Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Intellect Focus – Boost your intelligence bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Int Bonus / Level, R: Self, D: Action, T: Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Wisdom Focus – Boost your wisdom bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Wis Bonus / Level, R: Self, D: Action, T: Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Charisma Focus – Boost your charisma bonus for 1 roll
E: +1d4 Cha Bonus / Level, R: Self, D: Action, T: Turn, C: 1 Chi / L
Life Well - Trade Chi for temporary HP fortification, Chi does not return afterwards
E: +2 Hp / Chi; R: Self, D: Round / Level, T:Action, C: 1 Chi / E
Power Well - Trade HP for temporary Chi fortification, HP does not return afterwards
E: +2 Chi / HP, R: Self, D: Round / Level, T: Action, C: 1 HP / E
Heal Self - Restore 1d4 HP (+ Con) / 2 Chi / Level, limit at HP capacity
E: Restore 1d4 HP (+ Con) / Level, R: Self, D: Inst. T:Turn, C: 2 Chi / L
Heal Other - Restore 1d4 HP (+ Con) / 2 Chi / Level, limit at HP capacity
E: Restore 1d4 HP (+ Con) / Level, R: 1 Target, D: Inst. T:Turn, C: 2 Chi / L
Inner Warmth – You can control your external body temperature: survive cold, hide from infrared, etc
E: (+/-) 5 deg F / Level, R:Self, D: Hour / Chi, T: Meditation, C: 1 Chi / D
Sixth Sense - Gain heightened senses
E: +4 Alertness checks, R: Self, D: Round / Level, T: Action, C: 1 Chi / L
Detect Presence – Reveal size and locations of Chi sources in a given area, including OOBs
E: All Chi sources, R: 10’ / level, D: 1 Round / Chi, T: Turn, C: 1 Chi/ Round
Mask Presence - Hide or reduce your Chi signature from Detection
E: -4 Chi Signature / Chi, R: Self, D: 1 Round / Level, T: Meditation, C: 1 Chi / E
Out of Body - Leave your body as an intangible spirit; full senses, pass walls
E: OOB, R: 10’ / Level, D: 1 Round / Chi, T: Meditation, C: 1 Chi / Round
Psychic Force - Use your astral projection of affect objects or attack, Must be OOB
E: OOB Strength of 2 / Level, D: Action, T: Action, C: 1 Chi / Level
Possession – Total control of target, Must be OOB to begin, Target can Save once per round to negate effect
E: Full Control, R: 1 Target, D: 1 Round / 2 Chi, T: Meditation, C: 2 Chi / Round, S: Will DC 5 * Level + Wis
Magic Missiles - Fire flares from your fingertips that seek their targets but cannot penetrate Psychic defenses
E: One 1d4+1 flare / Level, R: 1 Target / Flare, D: Action, T: Action, C: 2 Chi / Level
Psychic Shield - Create a small, personal protective barrier with your mind
E: Def + 1 / Level, R: Self, D: Turn, T: Action, C: 1 Chi / Level
Psychic Bubble - Surround an area with a protective barrier
E: Def +4vs Thrown, +3 vs. Arrows, +2 vs Bullets, +! vs Artillery, R: 5' radius / Level, D: Turn, T: Round, C: 2 Chi / Level
Psychic Wall - Project a wall of force to block attacks in a particular direction
E: 10% Cover / Level, R: 5', D: Turn, T:Round, C: 1 Chi/ Level
Read Emotions - Peer into the mind of a target (or targets) to get a better sense of their reactions.
E: +1d4 Speechcraft / Level, R: 1 Target / Chi, D: Turn, T: Action, C: 1 Chi / Level / Target
Some Others That I Can Only Suggest at This Point
Mind Control
Read Thoughts
Plant Control
Mind Cloud
*NOTE: This article is outdated
Characters start out with 5 Training classes appropriate to his/her chosen profession.
Characters also start out with 1 Combat training skill depending on Race. All human characters can use Clubs without penalty.
1 Skill point or $1000 buys 1 + applicable ability bonus Non-Combat Training ranks, or 1 Combat training rank.
Studying a training class from a book or other media takes two weeks per rank and has a challenge rating appropriate to the material, while researching new classes on your own takes a month per rank and also has a challenge rating appropriate to the subject.
Non-Combat Training
Non-combat classes grant the character bonuses to D20 checks in specific situations. They are associated with an Ability, and it's bonus is applied to any checks made against the training.
Combat Training
Combat classes include Techniques and Proficiencies. Proficiencies are applied to weapons or classes of weapons. The levels are Use, Proficiency, Specialization, and Master. General Use negates the -4 penalty associated with using that equipment. Proficiency grants the character a +2 to attack and damage, or defense and maneuverability in the case of armor. Specialization is a +4 to the applicable statistics for a particular style or model of weapon/armor. Mastery grants a +6 or better.
Some Techniques can be Improved, Advanced, or Master. Some have specific requirements in order to get them, such as a high Dexterity, or other techniques.
Non-Combat Classes *These classes may only be used if Trained, meaning that class or subclass has ranks.
- Strength classes
- Jump
- Climb
- Swim
- Lift
- Play [Sport]
- Dexterity classes
- Balance
- Tumble*
- Hide
- Sneak
- Sleight of hand*
- Escape artist*
- Drive [Vehicle]
- Pilot [Vehicle]
- Ride [Animal]
- Constitution classes
- Concentration
- Hold Breath
- Tolerance [chemical/condition] (alcohol, iocane powder, the flu, dehydration, etc)*
- Intelligence Classes
- Knowledge of [Science / Study]
- [Specific languages]*
- Search
- Research
- Investigate
- Navigation
- Mechanics
- Electronics
- Architecture
- Chemistry
- [Craft, Repair, Disable other Device/Medium]
- Wisdom Classes
- Survival
- Gambling
- Listen
- Spot
- Sense Motive
- Treat Injury
- Meditation
- Animal Handling
- Charisma Classes
- Barter
- Bluff
- Intimidate
- Diplomacy
- Gather info
- Disguise
- Craft [Art]
- Perform [Medium] (Act, dance, sing, comedy, etc)
- Play [Instrument]*
- Light Armor (leather, kevlar, etc)
- Medium Armor (ceramic, chainmail, etc)
- Heavy Armor (full plate, led-lined etc)
- Shields (bucklers, wood shields)
- Medium Shields (body shields, riot shield, etc)
- Heavy Shields (tower shields, etc)
- Clubs (wood clubs, nightsticks, improvised objects, etc)
- Maces (hammers, small flails, etc)
- Warhammers (heavy flails, etc)
- Blades (daggers, bayonets, etc)
- Swords (short swords, longswords, katanas, etc)
- Great Swords (dai-katanas, claymores, etc)
- Axes (hatchets, wood axes)
- Battle Axes (war axe, tomahawk, etc)
- Great Axes (heavy battleaxe, etc)
- Poles (spears, pikes, staves, etc)
- Long Poles ( halberds, forks, naganata, etc)
- Heavy Pikes (heavy halberds, etc)
- Bows (slingshots, short bows, dartguns)
- Long Bows (English bows, compound bows, etc)
- Crossbows
- Firearms (simple weaponshand guns, shotguns, rifles)
- Advanced Firearms (assault rifles, mortars, RPGs, machine guns)
- Heavy Weapons (cannons, artillery, missile launchers, etc)
- Throw (sling, atlatl, improvised items, etc)
- Knives (daggers, shuriken, etc)
- Heavy Thrown Weapons (tomahawks, javelins, discus, etc)
- Hand-To-Hand: Improve non-lethal hand-to-hand damage to 1d6
- Combat Martial Arts - Hand-to-hand does 1d6 lethal damage, Atk +3 required
- Advanced Hand-to-Hand: Improve non-lethal h2h damage to 1d8
- Advanced Combat M. Arts - H2H does 1d8 Lethal damage, Atk +6 and Combat MA required.
- Master Hand-to-hand: Improve non-lethal hand-to hand damage to 1d10
- Master Combat M. Arts - H2H does 1d10 Lethal damage, Atk +9 and Adv. Combat MA required.
- Knockout Punch: Critical hit for H2h combat is a natural 19-20, 13 Str required
- Advanced Knockout: Critical hit for H2H is 18-20, 15 Str Required
- Master Knockout: Critical hit for H2h is 17-20, 17 Str required
- Combat Reflexes: Make up to 1 + Dex Bonus Attacks of Opportunity per round
- Counter-attack: Take an attack of opportunity when an opponent misses you, Dex 13 required
- Defensive Martial Arts - +1 to dodge melee attacks
- Advanced Defensive MA - +2 to dodge melee attacks, Dex 13 Required
- Master Defensive MA - +4 to dodge melee attacks, Dex 15 Required
- Combat Throw - +2 to Str/Dex on trips and grapples
- Advanced Combat Throw - Free trip when opponent misses, Atk +3 required
- Elusive Target - -4 to ranged attacks against you in melee, Dex 13 required
- Unbalance Opponent - Opponent does not receive Str bonus to melee attacks against you, only damage, Atk +6 required
- Dodge - +1 dodge bonus to single opponent, Dex 13 required
- Advanced Dodge - +2 dodge to 1 target or +1 to 2 targets, Dex 15 required
- Master Dodge - +3 dodge to 1 target, +2 to 2, or +1 to 3, Dex 17 require
- Mobile Target - -4 penalty to attacks of opportunity against you, Dex 13 required
- Spring Attack - Move, attack, move again. Atk +4 required
- Marksmanship techniques: (must be able to use firearms or bows)
- Long Shot - increase ranged weapons reach by 50%
- Dead Aim - +2 to attack if spent a full round aiming
- Precise Shot - Negate -4 penalty on firing ranged weapons into melee
- Bounce Shot - Ignore cover, -2 to attack, -1 to damage
- Quick Draw - Draw weapon as free action, Atk +1 Required
- Quick Load - Reload weapons as free or move action instead of move or full round
- Point Blank Shot - +1 to attack and damage on ranged attack up to 30'
- Double-tap - -4 to attack, double damage for semi-auto weapons, Dex 13 required
- Two Arrows - -4 to attack, double damage for bow weapons, Dex 13 required
- Burst Fire - -4 to attack, double damage on full-auto ranged weapons
- Strafe - Area of effect for Automatic weapons can be 20' by 5'
- Power Attack - Subtract from melee attack to add to damage, Str 13 required
- Cleave - Extra attack after dropping and opponent
- Improved Cleave - Cleave repeatedly while dropping opponents
- Dual Wield - Penalties for dual wielding are reduced to -2/-6, Dex 13 required
- Advanced Dual Wield - DW penalties are -0/-4, Dex 15 required
- Master Dual Wield - DW Penalties are -0/-2, Dex 17 required.
Character Creation
This game will be using a Quick D20 system. It is loosely based on Wizard of the Coast's D20 system, but has been reduced to speed up the process and allow for a more fluid, imaginative game play. There are no class structures, and most everything will be made up on the fly, as far as it makes sense to do so.
The six abilities are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Human Characters have abilities between 3-18, with 10 being average.
To create a character, roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and total the remaining 3. Repeat six times, and apply the resulting numbers to the character's Ability scores as you wish.
Bonuses are equal to the (Ability - 10) / 2, rounded down. See below:
Ability of 3 = -4 bonus, 4 & 5 = -3, 6 & 7 = -2, 8 & 9 = -1, 10 & 11 = 0, 12 & 13 = +1, 14 & 15 = +2, 16 & 17 = +3, and 18 = +4.
Every 4 levels, an ability of your choice may be improved by 1.
Skill Points
Every character starts with 5 skill points. Skill points are used to improve character statistics or to add Training and Powers. Adding Flaws to a character will grant more Skill points to use. Skill points may also be saved and used as Karma to adjust D20 rolls.
Every level, a Character gains an additional 5 skill points.
HP: +2 per Skill point
Chi: +1 per Skill point
Saves: +1 per Skill point
Attack: +1 per Skill point
Defense: +1 per Skill point
Initiative: +1 per Skill point
Movement: +1 per Skill point, max 12 for humans.
Training: 1 Training Class + Ability Modifier per Skill point
Powers: 1 new Power or Power Level per Skill point
Flaws: 1 Skill point for minor flaws, 2 for major flaws.
Karma: 1d6 (+ 1d6 every 5 levels) bonus to any D20 roll, or 1 Auto-20 (where applicable) per skill point
Wealth: 1 Skill point can be traded for $1000 starting cash or windfall at level, depending on circumstances and DM discretion.
HP represents the health and vitality of a character, essentially how much stress and damage he or she can withstand. At 0, a character is Disabled (conscious but with limited actions). At -1, a character is Dying (unconscious and losing HP until Stabilized). At -10, a character is Dead. HP naturally regenerates at 1 HP per Level for 8 hours rest, or 2 HP per Level for a full day's rest.
Every level including creation, a human character gains 4 + Con bonus HP (no less than 1). Spending 1 Skill point increases HP by 2. Skill points may only be spent on HP during creation or level-up.
Chi is the magical energy of a Character that fuels Powers. All living creatures have at least 1 Chi. At 0, a character is Exhausted, much like being Disabled. Chi regenerates naturally at a rate of 1 Chi per hour of meditation, however this can be improved with advanced meditation training. Chi can never fall below 0.
Every level including creation, a human character gains 1 + Wis. Bonus Chi (no less than 1) Spending 1 Skill point will increase Chi by 1. Skill points may only be spent on Chi during creation or level-up.
The three Saves are Reflex, Fortitude, and Will. These represent the character's ability to dodge, stomach, or have the presence of mind to overcome many challenges. Each are adjusted by ability scores: Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom respectively.
Human characters start with Reflex, Fortitude, and Will of 0. Saves only improve when spending Skill points. Spending 1 Skill point improves a selected Save by 1.
The attack bonus represents the Character's combat abilities. It determines the accuracy and frequency with which a character may strike an opponent. At 6 points, the character gains a second attack represented thus: +6/+1. Every five points after that, he gains another attack. Each attack increases as points are added, thus: +11/+6/+1, +16/+11/+6/+1, etc.
Human characters start with an attack of 0. Spending 1 Skill point improves this by 1.
The Strength bonus is added to attack when in melee combat or throwing. The Dexterity bonus is added to attack when firing ranged weapons. Certain weapons and Training may provide additional bonuses.
Using a weapon untrained incurs a -4 penalty. Untrained dual-wielding penalty is -4/-8. Firing ranged weapons in melee incurs a -4 penalty.
A character's defense represents the challenge an attacker must overcome to hurt a character. This can be by armor, dodging, or parrying.
Human characters have a natural defense of 10. Spending 1 Skill point improves this by 1. Armor also improves this.
The Dexterity bonus can be used if the character is not prone, flat-footed, or surprised. Heavy armors can restrict this Dodge bonus if used untrained.
Cover can increase Defense by 1 for every 10% of cover. At 100%, meaning there is a solid wall between attacker and defender, an attack is not possible.
This represents a character's decision and reaction time in combat situations, and also leadership ability. At the start of each round of combat, initiative is rolled by party to decide who goes first.
Human characters start with 0 initiative. Spending 1 skill point improves this by 1.
Depending on the situation, either the Dexterity or Charisma bonus may be used as well. The party member with the highest initiative score in the given situation rolls for his or her team.
This number represents how far a character can move in one action, given generally in 5' increments. This is considered a jogging pace. A character can run twice this rate, and can make two move actions in one round. At a movement score of 12, a character can run 240' per round (about 6 seconds), or appx. 80 meters, making 800 meters per minute (48 kph - the fastest human footspeed on record).
Human characters have a base movement of 5 (25' per action). Spending 1 skill point improves this by 1, to a maximum of 12.
Training improves a character's chances of succeeding in specific challenges. There are two basic types of training classes: combat and non-combat.
Non-combat classes are related to certain abilities, and their ranks stack as you add more classes. Sub-classes of non-combat classes fall into hierarchical categories: General, Specialized, Very Specialized, and Highly Specialized. Each category applies to a more and more specific situation, but grants more of a bonus per rank.
General classes apply to broad categories of classes, and grant +1 bonus per rank.
Specialized classes apply to specific subsets of those general classes and grant +2 per rank.
Very Specialized classes apply to a more limited subset, but grant +3 per rank.
Highly Specialized classes apply to unique objects, devices, or situations and grant a +4 per rank.
Combat classes are hierarchical, their effects cannot be stacked. There is no specific ability associated with a combat class. Combat classes can be weapon proficiencies or special maneuvers.
Characters are assumed (perhaps wrongly) to be functional adults with jobs, a career, or some set of survival skills. A character can start with 5 Training classes related to that chosen profession. Characters can purchase training at a rate of 1 class per Skill Point for any class or subclass, although he or she must have ranks in a super-class before gaining ranks in a subclass.
Training can also be researched, studied, or purchased. A fair price for purchasing training is $1000 per rank and takes a week of practice with a master per rank. Studying a training class from a book or other media takes two weeks per rank and has a challenge rating appropriate to the material, while researching new classes on your own takes a month per rank and also has a challenge rating appropriate to the subject.
Chi Powers allow a Character to spend Chi points to improve their situation or degrade his or her enemies'. Some powers are stronger than others and cost more Chi, some require a chain of powers to be in effect, such as Out of Body projection in order to Possess another character. Some powers can be improved by adding levels.
Powers may be purchased at a rate of 1 new Power or Power Level per Skill point. They may also be researched, studied or purchased. A fair price for purchasing powers is $1000 per power level and takes a week of training with a master per power level. Studying a book or other media for new powers takes two weeks per power level, and researching new powers on your own takes a month per power level. Again, studying and researching have a challenge rating appropriate to the power being learned.
Let's face it, characters are more fun to play if they've got issues. In order to promote this, the QuickD20 system grants extra Skill points to characters with problems. The DM has final say, but generally a character receives 1 extra Skill point for minor flaws and 2 for major flaws. Flaws can have a direct effect on a character's stats, like HP or Saves in the case of handicaps or diseases, or can be more related to the character's decision making process, like a phobia or addiction.
Characters can generally start out with basic equipment, anything they're trained to use. It is assumed that he or she would have any tools of his or her chosen profession and monetary resources appropriate to that trade. If the DM allows it and it makes sense for the character, you may spend a skill point to gain an extra $1000 in cash or equipment.
Welcome, Operative!
Your attention to the important matters at hand is greatly appreciated. As you are probably well aware, your existence vector is under dire threat. I cannot be more specific at this time, however I can say that your originating time-space is in jeopardy. I have selected you for your unique talents and probability signature to assist in halting this threat, reversing it's effects, or at the very least escaping to a more stable reality. I cannot say that we will be successful. My teletemporalscopes, although precisely calibrated, cannot see past the uncertainty distortion created by the rifts spawning these threats. I can only say that we must succeed. Many of you may not survive, many of you may not exist by the time you read this. I may not even write this message and you may never be involved, and by your non-involvement your doom will be certain.
Anyway, before this gets too technically complex, let me apologize for any discomfort or psychological effects the dimensional shift you experienced may have caused you. There's coffee in the galley, and a complementary welcome package in your quarters, to which the Host will guide you shortly. In it you will find some comforts of your era. Please make yourself at home and introduce yourself to the other operatives. Please exercise caution, however, as certain operatives from less advanced societies may react poorly to their new surroundings; if you are feeling up to it I would appreciate it if you helped them acclimate, but do not feel obligated to do so.
Another communique will be issued shortly, once all the guests have arrived. Again, I apologize for any confusion or discomfort.
Thank you again,
Dr. Steven Ritenrong